O NetGenie, distribuído em Portugal pela WhiteHat, é um sistema inteligente que assegura uma experiência Wi-Fi segura em casa, disponibilizando a toda a família uma experiência de navegação na Internet protegida com várias funcionalidades.
Partilha de modem USB e ligação 3G
Partilhe a ligação à Internet fornecida pelo seu modem USB ou pendrive 3G com mais de um familiar utilizando o Netgenie.
Segurança Wi-Fi predefinida
As definições por defeito do NetGenie garantem uma rede Wi-Fi segura assim que liga o equipamento. Previna que a sua rede doméstica se transforme num Hotspot aberto, por não ter os conhecimentos ou o tempo necessário para configurar uma rede segura.
Firewall e Antivirus integrado
Proteja a sua rede Wi-Fi doméstica e todos os dispositivos que se ligam à Internet, de vírus, hackers, instalação de programas maliciosos e previ- na que eles se transformem em Zombies (parte de uma Botnet).
Controlo Parental
Bloqueie o acesso a conteúdos maliciosos como pornografia e violência em dispositivos como portáteis, computadores de secretária e smart- phones. Utilize uma lista predefinida de websites e aplicações que reduz o tempo de configuração e a necessidade de os introduzir manualmente. Defina as horas e os dias em que as crianças podem aceder ao Facebook, ao MSN, ao Gmail e monitorize as suas actividades on-line através de relatórios detalhados.
Wi-Fi seguro para múltiplos dispositivos
Obtenha protecção para portáteis, iPhone, iPad, Consolas e mais quando navega sem fios pela Internet.
Obtenha relatórios em tempo real dos sites visitados, aplicações usadas e tentativas de acesso a sites bloqueados e aplicações. Aceda a relatórios de segurança acerca de tentativas de instrusão e vírus e mantenha- se a par de todos os acontecimentos na sua rede doméstica.
Interface baseada na web
Configure o NetGenie com facilidade através de uma interface baseada na Web que pode ser acedida a partir de qualquer dispositivo com acesso à Internet, como iPad, iPhone, portáteis, ou outros.
“Estamos muito entusiasmados com a distribuição das soluções NetGenie que correspondem à nossa visão do que deve ser uma plataforma de segurança de Internet para toda a família. Se pensarmos que em 1995 a Internet era usada por apenas 16 milhões de pessoas (0,4% da população mundial) e hoje somos 2 mil milhões (32,7% da população mundial) numa rede universal sem censura e repleta de conteúdos inapropriados para as crianças, verificamos que os perigos são crescentes em quantidade e variedade, acompanhando a explosão de utilizadores de Internet a cada dia que passa.” afirmou Nuno Mendes, Director Geral da WhiteHat.
Preço e Disponibilidade
O NetGenie, da Cyberoam, está disponível desde já por 115 Euros (IVA incluído) através da rede de parceiros NetGenie. Informações podem ser obtidas através do número 21 413 92 10 ou info@netgenie.pt
The NetGenie distributed by WhiteHat in Portugal, is an intelligent system that ensures a secure Wi-Fi experience at home, providing the whole family an experience of browsing the Internet protected with various features.
Sharing USB modem and 3G connection
Share the Internet connection provided by your 3G USB modem or stick with more of a family using the Netgenie.
Security Wi-Fi default
The default settings of NetGenie ensure a secure Wi-Fi network when you turn on the equipment. Prevent your home network from becoming a hotspot open, by not having the knowledge or the time required to configure a secure network.
Integrated Firewall and Antivirus
Protect your Wi-Fi home network and all devices that connect to the Internet, viruses, hackers, malicious programs and install it predicted that they turn into Zombies (part of a botnet).
Parental Control
Block access to malicious content such as pornography and violence in devices such as laptops, desktop computers and smart-phones. Use a predefined list of websites and applications that reduces setup time and the need to manually enter. Set the hours and days in which children can access Facebook, MSN, Gmail and monitor their online activities through detailed reports.
Wi-Fi safe for multiple devices
Get protection for laptops, iPhone, iPad, Consoles and more when you surf the Internet wirelessly.
Get real-time reports of sites visited, applications used, and attempts to access blocked sites and applications. Go to safety reports about attempts to instrusão and viruses and keep abreast of all developments in your home network.
Web-based interface
Set NetGenie easily through a Web-based interface that can be accessed from any device with Internet access, such as iPad, iPhone, laptop, or other.
"We are very excited about the distribution of NetGenie solutions that match our vision of what should be a platform for Internet security for the whole family. If we think that in 1995 the Internet was used by only 16 million people (0.4% of world population) and today we are 2000 million (32.7% of world population) in a universal network uncensored and filled with content inappropriate for children, we found that the dangers are increasing in quantity and variety, following the explosion of Internet users every day. "said Nuno Mendes, Director General of WhiteHat.
Pricing and Availability
The NetGenie of Cyberoam, is available now for 115 Euros (VAT included) through the network of partners NetGenie. Information can be obtained by calling 21 413 92 10 or info@netgenie.pt
Sharing USB modem and 3G connection
Share the Internet connection provided by your 3G USB modem or stick with more of a family using the Netgenie.
Security Wi-Fi default
The default settings of NetGenie ensure a secure Wi-Fi network when you turn on the equipment. Prevent your home network from becoming a hotspot open, by not having the knowledge or the time required to configure a secure network.
Integrated Firewall and Antivirus
Protect your Wi-Fi home network and all devices that connect to the Internet, viruses, hackers, malicious programs and install it predicted that they turn into Zombies (part of a botnet).
Parental Control
Block access to malicious content such as pornography and violence in devices such as laptops, desktop computers and smart-phones. Use a predefined list of websites and applications that reduces setup time and the need to manually enter. Set the hours and days in which children can access Facebook, MSN, Gmail and monitor their online activities through detailed reports.
Wi-Fi safe for multiple devices
Get protection for laptops, iPhone, iPad, Consoles and more when you surf the Internet wirelessly.
Get real-time reports of sites visited, applications used, and attempts to access blocked sites and applications. Go to safety reports about attempts to instrusão and viruses and keep abreast of all developments in your home network.
Web-based interface
Set NetGenie easily through a Web-based interface that can be accessed from any device with Internet access, such as iPad, iPhone, laptop, or other.
"We are very excited about the distribution of NetGenie solutions that match our vision of what should be a platform for Internet security for the whole family. If we think that in 1995 the Internet was used by only 16 million people (0.4% of world population) and today we are 2000 million (32.7% of world population) in a universal network uncensored and filled with content inappropriate for children, we found that the dangers are increasing in quantity and variety, following the explosion of Internet users every day. "said Nuno Mendes, Director General of WhiteHat.
Pricing and Availability
The NetGenie of Cyberoam, is available now for 115 Euros (VAT included) through the network of partners NetGenie. Information can be obtained by calling 21 413 92 10 or info@netgenie.pt
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