quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

BeFunky Photo Editor: Dos melhores editores grátis para tablet(BeFunky Photo Editor: Best Of Free tablet editors)

Actualmente, para o mundo mobile, existe um vasto leque de ofertas que nos permitem editar as nossas fotografias de várias formas, guardá-las e partilhá-las com os nossos amigos, e nas nossas redes sociais. Uma das aplicações que, sem dúvida se destacou, foi o Instagram, disponível par iOS e Android. E recentemente descobriu-se o BeFunky Photo Editor, um dos melhores editores, bastante completo, muito fácil de utilizar, e gratuito! O BeFunky Photo Editor oferece-lhe um vasto leque de funcionalidades para as suas imagens.

Edite como quiser com as seguintes opções:

·         Cortar e Rodar
·         Brilho, Contraste e Exposição
·         Tonalidade e Saturação
·         Temperatura e Detalhe
·         Blur e Realçar
·         Cor e Fosco

Brinque com as suas fotos e adicione-lhe vários efeitos:

·         Instant 1 e Instant 2
·         LomoArt e Cross Process
·         B&W Cooler, B&W Warmer e B&W
·         Retro, Vintage 1 e Vintage 2
·         Glowing B&W e B&W Dramatic
·         Sepia e Pinhole

·         Gritty HDR
·         Old Photo 1 e Old Photo 2
·         Grunge 1 e Grunge 2
·         Warming, Cooling e Violet
·         Orton, Vibrance e TiltShift
·         HolgaArt e Viewfinder
·         Cyanotype e Sketch

Dê um toque final com uma das várias molduras disponíveis:

·         Vignette e Basic Black
·         Rounded e Drop Shadow
·         Halftone e Instant
·         Filmstrip e Postage
·         Grunge 1, Grunge 2 e Grunge 3
·         Classic 1, Classic 2 e Classic 3
·         Winter 1, Winter 2 e Winter 3

BeFunky Photo Editor está disponível para iOS e Android, e é completamente gratuito.

Currently, for the mobile world, there is a wide range of offerings that allow us to edit our photographs in various forms, save them and share them with our friends and our social networks. One of the applications that undoubtedly stood out was the Instagram available pair iOS and Android. And recently it was discovered the BeFunky Photo Editor, one of the best editors, very complete, very easy to use and free! The BeFunky Photo Editor offers you a wide range of features for your images.

Edit as you wish with the following options:

• Cut and Run
• Brightness, Contrast and Exposure
• Hue and Saturation
• Temperature and Detail
Blur and Highlight
Color and Matte

Play with your photos and add him several effects:

an Instant and Instant 2
LomoArt and Cross Process
B & W Cooler, Warmer and B & W B & W
Retro, Vintage 1, Vintage 2
Glowing B & W and Dramatic B & W
Sepia and Pinhole

Gritty HDR
Old Old Photo 1 and Photo 2
Grunge Grunge 1 and 2
Warming, Cooling and Violet
Orton, Vibrance and TiltShift
Viewfinder and HolgaArt
Sketch and Cyanotype

Give a finishing touch with a number of frames available:

Vignette and Basic Black
Rounded and Drop Shadow
Halftone and Instant
Postage and Filmstrip
a Grunge, Grunge Grunge 2 and 3
Classic 1, Classic 2 and Classic 3
Winter 1 Winter 2 Winter 3 and

BeFunky Photo Editor is available for iOS and Android, and is completely free.

Download: iOS (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/befunky-photo-editor/id442716817?mt=8) and

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