A casa de leilões Sotheby's anunciou que vai leiloar um exemplar, ainda em funcionamento, do Apple I, o primeiro computador desenvolvido por Steve Jobs e Steve Wozniak, avaliado entre US$ 120 mil e US$ 180 mil.
A venda da placa-mãe da máquina aconteceu no dia 15 de Junho, em Nova York, e inclui uma interface de cassete, assim como os manuais operacionais e o livro de instruções. “O Apple I anunciou o início da revolução dos computadores pessoais ao permitir que os usuários utilizassem um teclado no lugar de um painel com luzes e interruptores de luz”, disse a casa de leilões em comunicado.
O computador, criado em 1976 por Jobs e seu sócio, Steve Wozniak, foi apresentado em Palo Alto, na Califórnia, no mesmo ano, durante uma feira de computação. A máquina “foi rejeitada por quase todo mundo, menos por Paul Terrell, proprietário de uma cadeia de lojas que se chamava Byte Shop, que comprou 50 unidades a US$ 500 cada e depois as vendeu ao público por US$ 666,66”, explicou a Sotheby's.
A casa de leilões também informou que Terrell insistiu para que os criadores do Apple I construíssem o computador em unidade, e não em várias peças. “Jobs e Wozniak fabricaram as 50 unidades em 30 dias. Depois, produziram outros 150, que venderam a seus amigos e outros comerciantes”, disse a Sotheby's.
Apesar de ser o quebra-galho informático mais completo da época, o Apple I não possuía monitor, teclado e demais componentes de um computador atual. Dessas máquinas pessoais antigas, sobreviveram menos de 50, dos quais apenas seis ainda funcionam.
The auction house Sotheby's said it will auction a copy, still in operation, the Apple I, the first computer designed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, valued between $ 120,000 and $ 180,000.
The sale of the motherboard of the machine took place on June 15 in New York, and includes a cassette interface, as well as operating manuals and instruction book. "The Apple I announced the start of the personal computer revolution by allowing users used a keyboard instead of a panel with lights and light switches," said the auction house said in a statement.
The computer, created in 1976 by Jobs and his partner, Steve Wozniak, was presented in Palo Alto, California, in the same year, during a fair computing. The machine "was rejected by nearly everyone except for Paul Terrell, owner of a chain store that was called Byte Shop, who bought 50 units at $ 500 each and then sold them to the public for U.S. $ 666.66" Sotheby's said.
The auction house also reported that Terrell insisted that the creators of the Apple I computer to build the unit, not in several pieces. "Jobs and Wozniak fabricated 50 units in 30 days. Then he produced another 150, who sold his friends and other businesses, "said Sotheby's.
Despite being the most computer-around full-time, the Apple I had no monitor, keyboard and other components of a computer today. These personal machines old, survived less than 50, only six of whom still work.
The sale of the motherboard of the machine took place on June 15 in New York, and includes a cassette interface, as well as operating manuals and instruction book. "The Apple I announced the start of the personal computer revolution by allowing users used a keyboard instead of a panel with lights and light switches," said the auction house said in a statement.
The computer, created in 1976 by Jobs and his partner, Steve Wozniak, was presented in Palo Alto, California, in the same year, during a fair computing. The machine "was rejected by nearly everyone except for Paul Terrell, owner of a chain store that was called Byte Shop, who bought 50 units at $ 500 each and then sold them to the public for U.S. $ 666.66" Sotheby's said.
The auction house also reported that Terrell insisted that the creators of the Apple I computer to build the unit, not in several pieces. "Jobs and Wozniak fabricated 50 units in 30 days. Then he produced another 150, who sold his friends and other businesses, "said Sotheby's.
Despite being the most computer-around full-time, the Apple I had no monitor, keyboard and other components of a computer today. These personal machines old, survived less than 50, only six of whom still work.
Sotheby's vai leiloar uma placa-mãe do Apple I, acompanhada do manual de uso
Sotheby's will auction a motherboard from the Apple I, together with the operating manual
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