Uma companha americana lançou um tipo de vidro ultrafino e flexível que pode ser ''embrulhado'' ao redor de um objecto.
O produto, baptizado de Willow Glass (Vidro Salgueiro) foi desenvolvido pela companhia Corning, a mesma empresa que criou o Gorilla Glass, usado para em telas para telemóveis.
De acordo com a Corning, o invento servirá não apenas para produtos como telas de smartphones, mas também para outros que não têm forma plana.
O vidro flexível foi mostrado pela primeira vez durante uma feira comercial realizada na cidade americana de Boston.
O protótipo exibido em Boston era tão fino quanto uma folha de papel. A empresa afirmou que ele pode chegar a ter uma espessura de apenas 0,05 milímetros - bem mais fino, portanto, do que a espessura média das telas atuais de smartphones, que medem entre 0,2 milímetros ou 0,5 milímetros.
A U.S. marketing year launched a kind of ultra-thin, flexible glass that can be'' wrapped'' around an object.
The product, called Willow Glass (Glass Willow) was developed by Corning Company, the same company that created the Gorilla Glass used for screens in mobile.
According Corning, the invention will not only for products such as screens smartphones, but also for others that are not flat.
The flexible glass was first shown at a trade fair held in the U.S. city of Boston.
The prototype was displayed in Boston as thin as a sheet of paper. The company said it may come to have a thickness of only 0.05 mm - much thinner, so that the average thickness of the current smartphone screens, which measure between 0.2 mm and 0.5 mm.
The product, called Willow Glass (Glass Willow) was developed by Corning Company, the same company that created the Gorilla Glass used for screens in mobile.
According Corning, the invention will not only for products such as screens smartphones, but also for others that are not flat.
The flexible glass was first shown at a trade fair held in the U.S. city of Boston.
The prototype was displayed in Boston as thin as a sheet of paper. The company said it may come to have a thickness of only 0.05 mm - much thinner, so that the average thickness of the current smartphone screens, which measure between 0.2 mm and 0.5 mm.
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